Guided Inspirations Guided by Faith - Inspired by All Fri, 03 Jan 2020 21:12:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 171122125 Dreaming Out-Loud: Identity – Who Am I Really? Fri, 03 Jan 2020 20:09:08 +0000 Identity is the word running through my mind today.

Identity: The fact of being who or what a thing is. Fact: a thing that is known or to be true. True: loyal or faithful. I love to look at a definition not to find the meaning but for meaning, does that make sense?

Maybe finding my purpose I need to start with my identity – who I really am.

Who is this child of God who is overly sensitive, OCD, very sentimental, overachiever, loving, kind, good mess saved by Her Father-child?

Where am I and who am I- really?

I recently traveled through where I was born. My dad was there and met me for dinner(he was visiting doesn’t live there.)

We went to go have dinner and the restaurant was right next to the hospital where I was born. It was not planned, it just happened!

I have only been back there 2 times since I left 42 years ago. Once when I was 40 and then when I was 50. It was where I took my first breath and started this journey!

51 years later I’m just now trying to figure why those first breaths took place. Why has it taken so long to stop and look at me, life – crazy life!

I didn’t know God for many years.

Fact: I spent many years looking for my identity in others.

True: My smiles for many years hid what was really inside. I was not faithful and loyal to God or myself!

Maybe I need to not look at where I came from but how I came to be! (OK, I know my identity is in Christ but this is deeper, ok?)

My identity hasn’t always been in Him and I haven’t been all smiles my life-just saying! There has always been a part of me that has wanted to share the real me with others.

To be that open book not afraid to say what I really think! My story is what has made me today but there were MANY trails I should have avoided and didn’t!

Maybe it’s time to take another first to breathe again and let it all out!

My story isn’t as bad as others but it’s mine!

Time to really meet Kathleen Beatrice (can’t turn back now, I even shared my middle name- don’t call me Bea, OK?)

Me, all smiles with not a fear in the world…

Dreaming Out-Loud: His Creative Genes! Fri, 03 Jan 2020 20:04:31 +0000 On the trek I’m on to find my purpose, I keep hearing in my mind over and over that I want it to involve something creative!

What does that look like? What kind of talent has God created in me that I can use to help others hear Him?

I can’t sing (well, I sure can alone in my car.)

I can’t play a musical instrument (when I was little my piano teacher told me she had kindergartners better than me.)

I struggle with the technical side of writing (trust me, I know my grammar falls short, a story on that later.)

I watched beautiful dancers spread God’s word yesterday through dance so beautifully it made me cry (I can cut a rug but you’re not gonna cry, you will laugh.)

What talent do I have in me to be creative in order that I can inspire people to hear God?

If we are made in the image of God and He is the most talented, creative person – shouldn’t all of us have some of His creative genes in us being His children?

I just feel in my heart that in order to find my purpose, I need to find the art inside of me that I’m designed for- that gene that my Father gave me when He created me!!!

P.S. I tried to master the Harmonica when I was little – no talent there, but I did look good in my imitation rabbit fur coat, don’t ya think?

Dreaming Out-Loud: Frustration Starts the Morning! Fri, 03 Jan 2020 20:00:35 +0000 Well… I wrote an entire post and then I went to add a picture and it all went away because I hit a wrong button – FRUSTRATION starts my morning!!!

I talked about laying it all at His feet that – I’m His and my identity is in Him!!! (Ok… I was listening to the Lauren Daigle song “You Say”)

It was so good y’all and then I did something wrong and in a moment it was just gone and I couldn’t get it back!!! Isn’t that how things go in life?? Like yesterday, it’s gone – and we can’t get it back!!!!

What we say is gone – and we can’t take it back. We did something – and we can’t take it back!! We hurt someone – and we can’t take it back!

We all get each day to do right by God!! And others!! To make the most of our life!!

Today, I’m going to watch my steps and look at what I do and say and see how I spend those moments!!

Maybe that’s what some of this season of my life is about, I feel like it’s slipping away and I want to make the most of it!!

I just need to remember that God is control of my steps and my direction – not me!! He has a great plan for me!!!

I need to make the most of wherever He takes me!

Dreaming Out-Loud: First Goal Accomplished! Fri, 03 Jan 2020 19:30:11 +0000

Day 1 goals complete!

I jumped into bed and turned the lights out 30 minutes early and set the alarm to get up 30 minutes earlier and I accomplished both!

Did I sleep all night- No. Was I tired and groggy the next morning – Yes! But I did it and accomplished the goal.

With a cup of coffee in hand this morning, I sat down to read His word. I’m in Jeremiah and reading about how people turned from God and made excuses for their sin. I can relate- just saying!

Then I turned to my Bible app to continue my daily devotional I’m in about being still! If anyone knows me- you know I don’t sit still! I sat back in my chair to see what I would feel just being still and this was me.

I love the sound of crickets chirping, I need to go warm up my coffee, this chair is uncomfortable, my neck hurts, what do I have to do today, wonder what the time is, do I need to start getting ready? I better look at the time… 3 minutes later I was up and warming my coffee!

Yep, my body was still (a whole 3 min) and my mind was not! Today my goal is to just stop throughout the day and try to rest my mind! Be mindful of resting!

Not like sleeping resting but stopping my mind from running! Does that make sense?

Does anyone else struggle to stop the mind? I’m sure I’m not the only one!

Pray for me because this will be harder than climbing out of bed at 5 am! But if I don’t ever learn to “Be Still” – how will I hear Him in this process?

Dreaming Out-Loud: Mountain of Work Fri, 03 Jan 2020 14:25:20 +0000 As I wake and think about the goal I placed on myself yesterday, I’m focused on the mountain of work I need to complete today! How do I find the time to add more to my list?

The weekend away has caused me to be behind. Deadlines at work, errands to run, and paperwork that HAS to be done in order for our business to run are just to name a few! I sat up in bed and took a moment to read my devotional and it was about being still!

The 1st one mentions not being able to see the sunrise or sunset where he lives due to all the buildings in the way and that he must stop and go to the country in order to capture the beauty!

We removed our buildings this weekend and captured the sunset, it was good! I know I place a lot of things- important things- in front of God…maybe my first task is to put him first.

I mentioned sunset but not sunrise this weekend because we didn’t get up in time – you snooze you lose!

In order to hear God & find my purpose – I must spend time with Him! Time to put the word 1st. I will set an alarm to get up 30 min early to read his word and capture it like a beautiful sunrise! No more snoozing and loosing!

Tonight, I will focus on going to sleep early in order to get up earlier- for now, I’m off and running!

Dreaming Out-Loud: Fri, 03 Jan 2020 13:59:04 +0000 God created us to DREAM OUT-LOUD!!

I got this bracelet as a birthday gift along with the mug.. coincidence .. I think NOT!!

The bus reminds me of a free spirit ready to roam the world, someone young at heart ready to take on an adventure- Dreaming OUTLOUD!

This birthday, I believe God is reminding me that I should never stop dreaming (no matter what my age) except I should not just dream but speak the dream – OUTLOUD!!

I have fallen short of speaking my dreams.. only because I’m not sure what my dream is – my purpose!!

I’m setting a goal.. a one-year goal to find my dream and speak it – OUTLOUD!

How bout you?

Do you speak your dreams or just live the day by day?
